Have you ever though why most of the poker game players lose their game? Why their dreams never come true of earning money? Answer is simple they are not properly guided, when they make moves or play their cards they don’t make sense when which card should be played. On which table they are playing what players are around him matters a lot. For an example big pairs like AA, KK, QQ and JJ are often played in online poker games and they are played rather treated so badly that even that life less also thinks in what hands we are in. Joke apart but honestly players get these big pair often and without thinking anything they play them at the same moment. Before playing big pairs one should at least notice what table he is playing on what type of player are against him and what moves those hands had already made.
Remember whenever you get a big pocket pair notice few things which could probably make you win the game and more over understand that at what moment you can utilize those cards or pairs. First thing what you do is try to understand your position. Understanding your position matters a lot firstly here by position doesn’t mean by your turn but by your circumstances. In what condition are you playing are you going down or you are actually rising. This is a factor that must not to be underrated. Now after understanding your condition you next step is to look for your turn, now is the matter about your turn. If your turn comes after your hardest opponent than you should calculate and analyze that when he is at his weakest pint at that moment you should use your cards. Then comes the turn of your table, look and understand at what type of table you are playing on. Is it an aggressive table, are the opponents being more reactive to you moves? Is the game going loose or getting tougher. These al things matters a lot but unfortunately you have to do all these thinks with in split of seconds. If you do so you could win but if you don’t you waste you big pairs and your golden chances as well? Hold your big pairs understand and wait and then play.